Silverback logs quite a few events that may be very useful for troubleshooting. It is recommended to set the minum log level to Information for the Silverback namespace, in order to have the important logs while avoiding too much noise.
Customizing log levels
The WithLogLevels
configuration method can be used to tweak the log levels of each event.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.WithLogLevels(configurator => configurator
.SetLogLevel(IntegrationLogEvents.MessageSkipped, LogLevel.Critical)
.SetLogLevel(IntegrationLogEvents.ErrorProcessingInboundMessage, LogLevel.Error));
Each package (that writes any log) has a static class declaring each log event (see next chapter).
Logged events
Here is a list of all events that are being logged and their default log level.
See also:
Id | Level | Message | Reference |
11 | Debug | Discarding result of type {type} because it doesn't match the expected return type {expectedType}. | SubscriberResultDiscarded |
21 | Information | Trying to acquire lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId})... | AcquiringDistributedLock |
22 | Information | Acquired lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | DistributedLockAcquired |
23 | Debug | Failed to acquire lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | FailedToAcquireDistributedLock |
24 | Information | Released lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | DistributedLockReleased |
25 | Warning | Failed to release lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | FailedToReleaseDistributedLock |
26 | Error | Failed to check lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | FailedToCheckDistributedLock |
27 | Error | Failed to send heartbeat for lock {lockName} ({lockUniqueId}). | FailedToSendDistributedLockHeartbeat |
41 | Information | Starting background service {backgroundService}... | BackgroundServiceStarting |
42 | Information | Lock acquired, executing background service {backgroundService}. | BackgroundServiceLockAcquired |
43 | Error | Background service {backgroundService} execution failed. | BackgroundServiceException |
51 | Information | Background service {backgroundService} stopped. | RecurringBackgroundServiceStopped |
52 | Debug | Background service {backgroundService} sleeping for {delay} milliseconds. | RecurringBackgroundServiceSleeping |
53 | Warning | Background service {backgroundService} execution failed. | RecurringBackgroundServiceException |
Id | Level | Message | Reference |
1001 | Information | Processing inbound message. | ProcessingInboundMessage |
1002 | Error | Error occurred processing the inbound message. | ErrorProcessingInboundMessage |
1003 | Debug | Message '{messageId}' added to {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}'. | length: {sequenceLength} | MessageAddedToSequence |
1004 | Debug | Started new {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}'. | SequenceStarted |
1005 | Debug | {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}' completed. | length: {sequenceLength} | SequenceCompleted |
1006 | Debug | The {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}' processing has been aborted. | length: {sequenceLength}, reason: {reason} | SequenceProcessingAborted |
1007 | Error | Error occurred processing the {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}'. | length: {sequenceLength} | ErrorProcessingInboundSequence |
1008 | Warning | The incomplete {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}' is aborted. | length: {sequenceLength} | IncompleteSequenceAborted |
1009 | Warning | Skipping the incomplete sequence '{sequenceId}'. The first message is missing. | SkippingIncompleteSequence |
1110 | Warning | Error occurred aborting the {sequenceType} '{sequenceId}'. | ErrorAbortingInboundSequence |
1011 | Debug | {broker} connecting to message broker... | BrokerConnecting |
1012 | Information | {broker} connected to message broker. | BrokerConnected |
1013 | Debug | {broker} disconnecting from message broker... | BrokerDisconnecting |
1014 | Information | {broker} disconnected from message broker. | BrokerDisconnected |
1015 | Information | Creating new consumer for endpoint '{endpointName}'. | CreatingNewConsumer |
1016 | Information | Creating new producer for endpoint '{endpointName}'. | CreatingNewProducer |
1017 | Error | Error occurred connecting to the message broker(s). | BrokerConnectionError |
1021 | Debug | Connected consumer to endpoint. | ConsumerConnected |
1022 | Debug | Disconnected consumer from endpoint. | ConsumerDisconnected |
1023 | Critical | Fatal error occurred processing the consumed message. The consumer will be stopped. | ConsumerFatalError |
1024 | Warning | Error occurred while disposing the consumer. | ConsumerDisposingError |
1025 | Error | Commit failed. | ConsumerCommitError |
1026 | Error | Rollback failed. | ConsumerRollbackError |
1127 | Error | Error occurred while connecting the consumer. | ConsumerConnectError |
1128 | Error | Error occurred while disconnecting the consumer. | ConsumerDisconnectError |
1129 | Error | Error occurred while (re)starting the consumer. | ConsumerStartError |
1130 | Error | Error occurred while stopping the consumer. | ConsumerStopError |
1131 | Warning | Failed to reconnect the consumer. Will retry in {retryDelay} milliseconds. | ErrorReconnectingConsumer |
1027 | Debug | Connected producer to endpoint. | ProducerConnected |
1028 | Debug | Disconnected producer from endpoint. | ProducerDisconnected |
1031 | Information | Message produced. | MessageProduced |
1032 | Warning | Error occurred producing the message. | ErrorProducingMessage |
1041 | Trace | The {policyType} will be skipped because the current failed attempts ({failedAttempts}) exceeds the configured maximum attempts ({maxFailedAttempts}). | PolicyMaxFailedAttemptsExceeded |
1042 | Trace | The {policyType} will be skipped because the {exceptionType} is not in the list of handled exceptions. | PolicyExceptionNotIncluded |
1043 | Trace | The {policyType} will be skipped because the {exceptionType} is in the list of excluded exceptions. | PolicyExceptionExcluded |
1044 | Trace | The {policyType} will be skipped because the apply rule evaluated to false. | PolicyApplyRuleReturnedFalse |
1045 | Trace | All policies have been applied but the message(s) couldn't be successfully processed. The consumer will be stopped. | PolicyChainCompleted |
1046 | Information | The message(s) will be processed again. | RetryMessageProcessing |
1047 | Trace | Waiting {delay} milliseconds before retrying to process the message(s). | RetryDelayed |
1048 | Information | The message will be moved to the endpoint '{targetEndpointName}'. | MessageMoved |
1049 | Information | The message(s) will be skipped. | MessageSkipped |
1050 | Warning | The message belongs to a {sequenceType} and cannot be moved. | CannotMoveSequences |
1051 | Warning | Error occurred while rolling back, the retry error policy cannot be applied. The consumer will be reconnected. | RollbackToRetryFailed |
1052 | Warning | Error occurred while rolling back or committing, the skip message error policy cannot be applied. The consumer will be reconnected. | RollbackToSkipFailed |
1061 | Warning | Not used anymore. | ErrorInitializingActivity |
1062 | Information | The null message will be skipped. | NullMessageSkipped |
1072 | Information | Message is being skipped since it was already processed. | MessageAlreadyProcessed |
1073 | Debug | Writing the outbound message to the transactional outbox. | MessageWrittenToOutbox |
1074 | Trace | Reading a batch of {readBatchSize} messages from the outbox queue... | ReadingMessagesFromOutbox |
1075 | Trace | The outbox is empty. | OutboxEmpty |
1076 | Debug | Processing outbox message {currentMessageIndex} of {totalMessages}. | ProcessingOutboxStoredMessage |
1077 | Error | Failed to produce the message stored in the outbox. | ErrorProducingOutboxStoredMessage |
1078 | Error | Error occurred processing the outbox. | ErrorProcessingOutbox |
1079 | Warning | An invalid message has been produced. | validation errors:{validationErrors} | InvalidMessageProduced |
1080 | Warning | An invalid message has been processed. | validation errors:{validationErrors} | InvalidMessageProcessed |
1101 | Critical | Invalid configuration for endpoint '{endpointName}'. | InvalidEndpointConfiguration |
1102 | Critical | Error occurred configuring the endpoints. | configurator: {endpointsConfiguratorName} | EndpointConfiguratorError |
1103 | Error | Error occurred invoking the callback handler(s). | CallbackHandlerError |
1999 | Trace | The actual message will vary. | LowLevelTracing |
Id | Level | Message | Reference |
2011 | Debug | Consuming message: {topic}[{partition}]@{offset}. | ConsumingMessage |
2012 | Information | Partition EOF reached: {topic}[{partition}]@{offset}. | EndOfPartition |
2013 | Warning | An error occurred while trying to pull the next message. The consumer will try to recover. | KafkaExceptionAutoRecovery |
2014 | Error | An error occurred while trying to pull the next message. The consumer will be stopped. Enable auto recovery to allow Silverback to automatically try to recover (EnableAutoRecovery=true in the consumer configuration). | KafkaExceptionNoAutoRecovery |
2015 | Warning | Not used anymore. | ErrorRecoveringFromKafkaException |
2016 | Trace | Consuming canceled. | ConsumingCanceled |
2021 | Debug | Creating Confluent.Kafka.Producer... | CreatingConfluentProducer |
2022 | Warning | The message was transmitted to broker, but no acknowledgement was received. | ProduceNotAcknowledged |
2031 | Information | Assigned partition {topic}[{partition}]. | PartitionAssigned |
2032 | Debug | {topic}[{partition}] offset will be reset to {offset}. | PartitionOffsetReset |
2033 | Information | Revoked partition {topic}[{partition}] (offset was {offset}). | PartitionRevoked |
2034 | Debug | Successfully committed offset {topic}[{partition}]@{offset}. | OffsetCommitted |
2035 | Error | Error occurred committing the offset {topic}[{partition}]@{offset}: '{errorReason}' ({errorCode}). | OffsetCommitError |
2036 | Error | Fatal error in Kafka consumer: '{errorReason}' ({errorCode}). | ConfluentConsumerFatalError |
2037 | Error | Error in Kafka error handler. | KafkaErrorHandlerError |
2038 | Debug | Kafka consumer statistics received: {statistics} | ConsumerStatisticsReceived |
2039 | Debug | Kafka producer statistics received: {statistics} | ProducerStatisticsReceived |
2040 | Error | The received statistics JSON couldn't be deserialized. | StatisticsDeserializationError |
2041 | Information | Assigned partition {topic}[{partition}]@{offset}. | PartitionManuallyAssigned |
2042 | Warning | Error in Kafka consumer: '{errorReason}' ({errorCode}). | ConfluentConsumerError |
2043 | Error | Error in Kafka log handler. | KafkaLogHandlerError |
2050 | Warning | An error occurred while disconnecting the consumer. | ConfluentConsumerDisconnectError |
2060 | Warning | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. -> The consumer will try to recover. | PollTimeoutAutoRecovery |
2061 | Error | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. -> Enable auto recovery to allow Silverback to automatically try to recover (EnableAutoRecovery=true in the consumer configuration). | PollTimeoutNoAutoRecovery |
2201 | Critical | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka producer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentProducerLogCritical |
2202 | Error | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka producer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentProducerLogError |
2203 | Warning | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka producer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentProducerLogWarning |
2204 | Information | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka producer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentProducerLogInformation |
2205 | Debug | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka producer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentProducerLogDebug |
2211 | Critical | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentConsumerLogCritical |
2212 | Error | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentConsumerLogError |
2213 | Warning | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentConsumerLogWarning |
2214 | Information | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentConsumerLogInformation |
2215 | Debug | {sysLogLevel} event from Confluent.Kafka consumer: '{logMessage}'. | ConfluentConsumerLogDebug |
Id | Level | Message | Reference |
4011 | Debug | Consuming message '{messageId}' from topic '{topic}'. | ConsumingMessage |
4021 | Warning | Error occurred connecting to the MQTT broker. | clientId: {clientId} | ConnectError |
4022 | Debug | Error occurred retrying to connect to the MQTT broker. | clientId: {clientId} | ConnectRetryError |
4023 | Warning | Connection with the MQTT broker lost. The client will try to reconnect. | clientId: {clientId} | ConnectionLost |
4031 | Debug | Producer queue processing was canceled. | ProducerQueueProcessingCanceled |
4101 | Error | Error from MqttClient ({source}): '{logMessage}'. | MqttClientLogError |
4102 | Warning | Warning from MqttClient ({source}): '{logMessage}'. | MqttClientLogWarning |
4103 | Information | Information from MqttClient ({source}): '{logMessage}'. | MqttClientLogInformation |
4104 | Trace | Verbose from MqttClient ({source}): '{logMessage}'. | MqttClientLogVerbose |
An Activity is created:
- in the Consumer when a message is received (initialized with the
header, if submitted) - in the Producer when a message is being sent (submitting the
in thetraceparent
header ) - when a sequence (e.g. a BatchSequence) is being consumed
- when a subscriber is being invoked (either internally or from a consumer)
This allows to trace the methods execution and follow a message across different services (distributed tracing).
The following table summarizes the activities and the information being tracked.
Id | Description / Tags |
Silverback.Integration.Produce |
A message is being produced to a message broker. Tags:
Silverback.Integration.Consume |
A consumed message is being processed. Tags:
Silverback.Integration.Sequence |
A sequence of messages is being processed. Tags: none |
Silverback.Core.Subscribers.InvokeSubscriber |
A subscriber is being invoked to process a message. Tags: